When it comes to safety, there should be no compromise. Whether it is your safety or the safety of your family, finding the best way to protect yourself and your family is of utmost importance.
Apart from safety, in this age and time with everything turning smart, don’t you deserve a smart lock that comes with exceptional benefits and features?
Hafele’s Digital locks come with the latest and updated technology that includes the following-
- Bluetooth technology
- Smart Freeze
- Smart Security
At Hafele, we care about you and your family and are bringing to you a product that will always ensure enhanced protection. Apart from your protection, this product also adds convenience to your everyday door-locking and unlocking affair.
Access Modes
The first and most important thing you should check in any digital lock is the types of access modes. The most common access modes are Keypad, Fingerprint, and RFID Card. In order to pick the right device, you should consider which members of your household exit and enter the house daily and the kind of access mode they would find convenient to use. Hafele’s Re-Al digital lock comes with all the common access modes but also includes a Mechanical Key and Remote Control Module which can be very beneficial for the users.
When it comes to the features, they differ based on the brand and type of digital lock you are considering purchasing. The kind of features you select will further improve your home’s security and protection. Hafele’s Re-Al digital lock comes with multiple features including Smart Password, Smart Etiquettes, Smart Voice, Smart Freeze, Smart Security, Low Battery Alarm, and Privacy Locking, among many others. While making a choice, you should always consider these features.
Making an investment in an appliance requires it to look good, don’t you agree? A digital lock not only improves security and increases protection but it also adds an elegant element to your front door. Hafele’s Re-Al digital lock comes with a sleek black outer body case that screams elegance. Wouldn’t you love this addition to your entrance?
Battery Life
The Battery Life of a digital lock is extremely important. You need to look at the strength of the battery and the duration it lasts for. Hafele’s range of smart door locks comes with extra batteries that ensure the lock runs perfectly even during a power outage. It also comes with a Jump Start that will enable you to turn on the lock in case of a technical fault.
Keeping in mind all these prerequisites, purchasing your new digital lock will be a breeze of a task. Hafele’s range of digital locks comes with features and benefits that will increase the protection of your home and family while also giving your front door an edgy look. So, when are you getting your own Hafele Digital lock?